“Making Beautiful Music Together” - Painting competed and was jury-selected as winner for City of Laurel, MD Traffic Box Beautification Project, 2023. Art located on traffic box at Route 1 and Main Street intersection.
Interested in learning to paint from Elaine?
Beginners or experienced painters are invited to check out her online classes “Fear No Landscape” and “Fear No Still Life” offered as Virtual ANYTIME Online classes at Maryland Hall for the Creative Arts. Can’t find them? Email Elaine to register and enter the transformative world of painting. This is not just painting what you SEE, but it is painting how you FEEL about what you see.
Painting your art in your own voice. Your vision is like no other. Create fearlessly.
At your own pace and from the comfort and safety of your own homes and studios, you can watch me paint. As you paint along with me, I invite you to listen to my ideas and use those and my processes or examples which personally resonate with you. My goal is to mentor you in achieving your unique voice and personal artistic vision. Most of all, I encourage you to create in joy and freedom from judgment. Through the creative process, we can solve problems, honor our memories, explore new ideas, and abstract facets of the people or things we love in our own personal style.
Fear no art! With imagination, anything is possible.
Email: ewr.muse@gmail.com